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Privacy Policy

At Hubbard Jordan Creative, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you on the web site to allow you to identify yourself when communicating with our members or groups, and for us to communicate with you about the Hubbard Jordan Creative and in any newsletters or mail messages you have agreed to receive.
What information does Hubbard Jordan Creative collect on its web site ?
When you sign-up for at Hubbard Jordan Creative mailing list, we ask for your email address and some limited information about your professional status and mail delivery preferences. We use this information to contact you. We do not use your information for any other purposes.
Does Hubbard Jordan Creative protect customer information?
When you provide information on the Hubbard Jordan Creative web site, we use a third-party hosting server. This server does not employ SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) nor does it encrypt your information before it is sent to us. However, all of the transactional data we collect from you is protected against unauthorized access by our hosting service.
Hubbard Jordan Creative will not disclose your information to outside parties.
Hubbard Jordan Creative will not sell, trade or rent the individualized and personal information you submit without your express permission – period. We may provide aggregate statistics about our users, traffic patterns, and related site information to reputable third-party vendors, but these statistics will include no personally identifying information. We will never share data about individual users.
If any part of this privacy policy gives you concern, we invite you to discuss it with us by. We may update this policy in the future to make its terms more clear when necessary or to respond to changes in legal recommendations about online privacy.<br />
Revised – 10/09/2010